There are 121 days left until the end of 2023, how are you going to use them??
Ever been thinking about something in your head (not really talking about it) but you can feel what you are thinking and see it come to fruition by the signs that are ALL over the place??I've always believed in MYSELF, but like anyone life gets in the way sometimes and it can be discouraging. But then I think of how far I've come, the person that I am today is very different from two years ago and twenty years before that.
Lucky for me.. truly jumped out at me (as you know I am a huge YouTube(r), I watch as many budget videos in my budgeting community, as much as I try to post at least 2x's a week my own videos ( I post videos on my own budgeting journey, as well as planning (i love planning pen to paper!) This week, I was watching a youtube video about #thedailygrindplanner (OMG, this will be a game changer for me!) And it just so happens that the creator of this planner, @AngieBellemare (go check her out on IG, Facebook and/or Youtube) has created a 4 month challenge for the last 121 days of the year, it begins today, September 1, 2023. So, I'm on it! Writing down big, small, significant, insignificant goals and then dropping it down to your top 10; and building a routine on a daily basis to help you reach your goals.. and let's be honest, FOR ME.. I am a planner but it's hard for me to stay motivated. However, doing a small thing everyday that will build a routine, is how I am going to conquer that lack of motivation at times. And TODAY, the beginning of September I am motivated (as I always am in the beginning of any month!) There is just something about a new month.. the next 30 days belong to ME (and YOU), let's do this together.
Go check out her website, & see what this is all about! You don't need the planner to give yourself these next 121 days to be the best you can be.. it's about routine and small increments in a day to get you three steps ahead on what you are really thinking about & maybe aren't talking about! :) If you're interested, send me an email at & let's stay accountable together!
I'll be putting together a YouTube video (most likely Sunday, after I get my planner) with my top 10. I'm already creating that list in my head..
On Wednesday, I started an intermittent fasting & so far so good.. I'm doing 12 hours on/off right now.. but hoping to lower that window in the next few steps :)
Let's do this together.. the power of doing things with people you don't know or do.. can be full of greatness!
Thanks for being here!
love, pattie