YSome days it feels like longer, some days less. Yesterday, we put Grace's TSLO brace on for an hour & half, yes she fought us at first & then she did so great with it on..she was sitting up right and we were working on counting skills. We have to build it back up slowly.. I'm not 100% convinced it's going to help..certainly she sits & walks straighter with it on..but I think she can do those on her own.. maybe if any of you mom & dad's out there's babies have worn a TSLO you can shoot me your advice.. if you think it has helped them.
Grace's back has a curve to the left.. there's nothing wrong with her spine as we have a had a MRI - honestly, she scoots with her left hand down only, we think the spine took that curve because she was bearing weight only one side.. it makes sense, years of working the muscles on one part of your body.. the TSLO (brace) is supposed to help support her back.. is it going to do more? (hmm.. not convinced..yet. definitely open to being convinced)
Today is a Massachusetts holiday - so no work for either of us. Grace will go hang with her best buddy for an hour or so.. and H & I have to run to BJ's (with our masks on).
Even typical kids are having a hard time coping and learning, and just being or feeling 'busy', wanted and all that.. and of course I understand that some children just thrive on being at school because they get that attention from someone.. those are the children I pray for...
some days i think this is the 'new norm'.. for alot of people's sake, i hope not. Grace needs structure, routine & thrives within school.. I pray for her!
have a great day!