Rough morning in our household... it's days like this that I curse but also am thankful..
Grace has GI issues.. 4 large BM's yesterday, but apparently this morning her belly was hurting - she becomes very pinchy & bitey (to herself) & is hard to console.. I feel bad as a mother that we STILL haven't figured out these GI issues, but then I also feel like i can't do anything for her. It makes me sad to be honest :(
I skipped out on excercise class.. but determined to go tonight. I needed to be home this morning.. i just hope for a better day.. because you know what happens when your situation at home at 5:30 a.m. is aggravating, then the conversations with your husband are aggravating & then work seems less tolerable too.. especially if that's a toxic environment & unfortunately right now it is! :(
Pray for me today! Please.