Okay.. yesterday was 1 week.. & i ate like crap! Again it's not that I can 'eat' alot anyway..but I didn't make great choices last night.
"HI my name is Pattie and I'm an emotional eater! I wish I wasn't".
Last night was a tough night with Grace.. we have a call into her GI doctor (again!).. I dont know it's very frustrating though, not knowing how to help her.
Trust me, I have my own 'poopy' issues & my mom before me.. so I get it.. but she doesn't know how to 'tell us' and that just sucks! :(
So although I didn't eat crap throughout the day..(that's a good thing).. I didn't have my second shake.. i find that i don't have time enough in the day for a 2nd shake, unless it's at 7:00pm..more like a 'dessert' shake, which I guess is okay.. but go to bed 3.5 hours later.
My day of eating looks like this:
5-6am - tea
8-9am - Smoothie with fiber, blueberries
12-1pm - Salad with 1/2 can tuna, light dressing (greek)
then I get home from work around 2:15pm - I could make a shake right here, which some days I do.. but yesterday I didn't (i had veggie sticks & hummus)
then it's early dinner - like 5pm (protein & vegetables for me)
bath time, get ready for Grace to go to bed -
7pm - my 'dessert' snack.. sometimes the 2nd smoothie..
last night ice cream.. which wasn't that great, so I didn't eat it all...
but that schedule up there..was all of last week & guess what I lost 1 lb. :( ughhhh.. I am very stuck.. I think I need to get back on the treadmill.. maybe evening walk tonight!
thanks for reading..