Today is going to be a special day for Grace and me as her Mom. And I don't want to spent too much time dwelling on what didn't happen, because honestly it's wasted energy as I can't go back and change it. But unless the same exact situation specifically has happened to you, don't tell me you must know how it feels - I hate that phrase! No two people can experience the same situation, unless, of course, they experience it together!
I'll post pictures later on my Facebook page - Grace is graduating, with an official mini-graduation from 5th grade! Around our parts, fifth grade ends elementary school, 6th grade starts Middle School - goes until 8th grade and 9th grade starts High School. Grace should've been able to 'graduate' with her peers in her hometown school district but we 'forgot' and our school district forgot. I think if I were on School Committee I would make sure ANY CHILD, despite any "logistics" who was schooled out of their district (by no fault of their own) is INCLUDED in all aspects of their 'typical' class peers. I am going to get that strength of pursuing this in the future from a young man and his mom.. who I can't even describe, who are advocates for #inclusion all the way! (Love you J & D!)
Whooa, glad I got that off my chest!
And a HUGE thank you to Cristina, who is organizing it all.. because her child, who was homeschooled for the last year, was also discluded in graduating activities.
love pattie