Today was the day that I saw my soon to be 13 year old as a 13 year old. Maturing day by day, Grace went in for a follow-up (from her diagnosis of esophagitis four years ago.) Even when she was first diagnosed with it, I am sure it was because she was only eating BBQ Chips and which
can be quite the irritant for one's esophagus.. she was put on two types of acid reflux medicine back than and was still on it as of this scope.
We always talk to Grace about visiting the doctor, so she knew she was going; and she seemed very relaxed (her usual) there. The nurses and doctors at Children's Hospital in Boston were very good with her; describing what they were doing to her and with what (blood pressure cuff gives your arm a "hug"); "listening to your heart, back and then tummy". Grace let them do it all.
And when it was time for them to bring her back, I sat her back on the gurny, kissed her..she looked at us with slight panic, and then smiled & blew us a kiss. Of course, as she was being wheeled into her room, I heard, "Mama" "Mama" as she always does say.
Recovery for her was that she was awake as soon as we walked in the room and said, 'hi'. Her doctor came in, and gave us the great news that she no longer had esophagitis, he said it looked great and they'll wait for the biopsy in 5-7 days. If all goes well, she'll be off two meds!
Proud of our peanut! She did great.. maybe she's growing up!
but she'll always be my little girl!