I LOVE my Planners! It's a hobby for me to get my challenges written and accomplished. I enjoy planning Grace's monthly schedule down to her daily with color coded highlights and her feeding schedule. I use the Plum Paper A5 notebook for Grace's stuff.
I use a MakseLife Planner for monthly, weekly breakdown of my own goals and what I'm doing, as well as a "journal" book to highlight my monthly wins and losses.
I use #thebudgetmom Live Rich Planner for an overview of our joing/mine finances as well as I just went back to #LRP for my everyday planner.. I really enjoy using #thehappyplanner stickers to create.
I use a #HappyPlanner for the business expenses with the printables from #thebudgetmom.
I use #thebudgetmom boxed set for my weekly paychecks, most of which covers credit card payments, sinking and variable spending. I use the budget mom #bbp workbook for joint expenses and tracking.
And last but not least, I use #PlumPaper A5 as a Meal Planner.
I have a lot of planners.. and I love each differently for the function it provides to me. I enjoy my morning quiet time daily.. I'm up at 5 am mostly during the week, 6 on weekends.. I feed Grace (gtube!) and then CREATE in my planners.
#HappyPlannersDay to all my planner friends.
Catch my latest video on GetPersonalwithPattie on YOUTUBE!
bye! GO Plan & Create!!