Life can be so hard sometimes, right? If you have kids, you're worried all the time. If you have a family, you dread the phrase, "what's for dinner?". If you have bills (who doesn't), you worry about paying them. There just always seems like a day doesn't go by without worry. We all have our different struggles, don't compare yourself to others people say, but sometimes that is hard.
As some of you know, I have talked about it before.. I had the weight-loss sleeve surgery four years ago and I'm not happy with my weight-loss journey. I haven't been very successful. I have lost weight with it, but lately I've been feeling blah.. (trust me I know the weather around here hasn't helped, cold/hot/sweater weather/short weather). Then add on top of that stress around my little, beautiful child and I'm a 'hot mess!'
I'm a positive person and I really try to stay that way as there is so much negative in this world and around me. However, I need to move my body more and I need to stick to eating healthier. And like my mini moo, I really need to get this belly/can't go to the bathroom thing figured out. I need to stay consistent with my miralax and stool softener (I mean I'm early 50's.. am I really talking about this.. My MIL is early 90's and she often talks about it. My mom had issues as I remember as well). And now my child does and has since day 1.
Some days it's hard not to compare.. I have a friend (you know who you are), who was very successful with the surgery and looks great. I'm sure she goes through times thinking the same, but I look at her & she looks fantastic...
Just today, (Monday 5/8), mini me was up in the middle of the night SCREAMING.. I mean SCREAMING, with some massive belly pain.. probably gas pain; I was able to calm her down with a soft voice and telling her she was going to be okay. But honestly, I don't know.. we've seen four of the 'major', 'best' children's doctor's in our area.. going to see, yet another one in July.
Then part of me wonders.. is it even all it's worth to worry about it so much.. as long as I feel okay..and fit into my clothes.. I don't know.. it's been a struggle recently.. not going to lie!
For her & I.. for total opposite sides of the spectrum.. for the worry of her trying to gain weight and me losing.. I pray! And I start WALKING today!
love, pattie