I've been reading and watching some videos on the "great walkout" resignation that is taking place country wide..why? the conclusion that I have seen is people are realizing that during the pandemic they could work from home and still be productive..and get things done, not feel stressed that they don't see their family enough (because they were commuting long hours to get to work).
Well, I did not have a long commute to get to work (10-12 minutes with light traffic and traffic lights) but I did have STRESS. Stress that would keep me up at night, make me more 'snappy' around my husband and daughter.. on the edge, and in the last month or so.. aggravated and anxious that I was thinking a doctor's visit was in order for anxiety meds. Imagine that? I was working for a boss that made me feel like I needed to take anxiety pills. (WTF!!)
It really has been worse in the last month.. before that it was "tolerable", but let's be honest this type of behavior in the workplace should not be 'tolerable'.. it wasn't just my boss, but the 'no support' system from the higher ups that knew it was going on, but didn't want to "deal with confrontation".. so YES, I QUIT my job.. sad part is I'll really miss the people, the residents.. and my "cool kids lunch crew"
I have found a new job in the same line of work and will be doing another part-time gig.. I am making it work and looking forward to it. And guess what I feel less stress already!
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in change and fear the worst..not realizing where we are standing is the worse.. there is NO need to put up with aggravation at a work place..bullying or other. We have to come to a point to stick up for ourselves if noone else does.
Onward & upward.. I will be okay! And I will be stress-free!
(p.s.) this is a picture of my day off.. STRESS FREE!