I know I use this word alot "intentional", remember that was my word for 2020 - I wanted to be intentional in all that I do - being 50 & everything, I'm not getting any younger and truly wanted to "BE" as much as I can.
Well.. one of those goals was "intentional" spending since using #thebudgetmom method.. I'm careful in writing down & tracking my expenses.. being 'intentional' with my savings and spending. But the one thing I have found is.. even though we have it.. I don't like spending it.. (isn't that funny?!). We had to get my brakes done on my Jeep this week.. to a tune of $558; the original price was $595, but the mechanic found some parts a little cheaper.. i hated writing the check for $558.. grant it NO credit card had to be used..but I still hated writing that amount..and then to turn around & write another check for opening the pool for $175! Oh boy! In one week... there goes my savings (not really)..but still stinks. Time to start a "POOL" sinking fund/bucket for sure!
On this journey of saving, spending & tracking intentionally... sure makes me feel good that I have it when big purchases like this comes up, but also makes me want to hoard it & keep saving!
Try it.. it's addicting!