Welcome to September! Every month, I try to think about my personal goals, my financial goals and my well-being goals. Something to strive for, look forward to. In August, financially I was determined to pay off one of my clothes credit cards (Avenue), and I did.. $495.00. I chipped away at it weekly, which by paying it off a little each week, because I get paid weekly and am a #budgetbypaycheck budgeter, I was able to payoff completely. (except the pesky interest of $8.00 they charged me after the closing date and wouldn't refund :( , that's okay I paid that off too!). So, now I welcome September!
Financially - I'm going to ALL CASH envelopes for Dining out. I already do Groceries and "extra childcare", but in September we are adding Dining out - and staying under $200. for the month. That means, when my husband called me yesterday and said "can i use the joint card" to get a coffee on the way home, I say "NO." He needs to have money in his wallet, so he can purchase a coffee without wanting to use the joint debit card. (by the way, the joint account is only for household bills anyway. He's a work in progress!) By depositing cash ($40/week) into a cash envelope weekly ($40x4-$160, plus $40 from additional monies), we will have our weekly spending allowance for dining out. This will include dinner approximately 1 x a week, and breakfast every Sunday out. For me, I find that using cash helps me to stay on track, rather than use the debit card.
Personally, I want to concentrate on my college studies. This semester I'm taking public speaking. What a wonderful class. I'm learning about hearing, being receptive to communication and communicating. I have quizzes and/or presentations and discussions due 3x's a week and with my already busy schedule, some weeks are more hectic than others. My concentration needs to be with this vs. other 'bs' that wastes energy.
And lastly, my wellness goal is to keep up my walking 3x's a week and 1-2 nights of circuit training with my personal trainer... watching my carb intake and just getting to a place where I feel overall in better health. (I'm a work in progress!)
Of course I have little goals, save an extra $200 in my personal account, pay down our 2 last 'bigger' credit cards, and put more $$ into our joint savings!
Grace is off to school on September 16th - I pray for those going back .. that they stay healthy and that she has a great year! She'll be going back Tuesday through Friday, with Mondays remotely. (Circle time & 1:1 with her childcare worker). A HUGE shout out to finally having a good group of young ladies who provides care to Grace while we are working! Callie, Serena, Jenna, and now Pam.. I couldn't do it without them. And Grace is HAPPY & for the first time in a few years.. thriving & doing things out in the community, rather than sitting at home. Thanks ladies!
What are your personal, financial and wellbeing goals?? Don't have to be as elaborate as mine - but put something down on paper..so you can go back & read it in a month.. start small, even if it's only $5./week! :)
Oh yea.. my $5.00 jar has started.. Calling all $5.00 bills!!
Happy September to you & your families!!