Spring is coming. Although in Fairhaven, MA these last few days it's been chilly! The wind factor has been crazy, with 58mph winds and a chill that'll rock your spine. I hate being cold... slippers and sweatshirts, blankets and put the heat on kind of person.. I welcome spring & the warmer weather..
I've been on this WLJ (weight loss journey) all my life.. even with getting the gastric sleeve done in 2019, I just feel like I need to get healthier. I did gain some weight during last year (the "COVID 19, like the Freshman 15!).. I do think alot of people gained some weight, as food is comfort and there were some trying times. I can't "blame" COVID, because thankfully my family and I were and our healthy! #grateful. I don't blame anything but me.. okay maybe a little 'stress' with Grace's belly issues and her unfortunate behaviors with them.. another story for another time.
SO, as much as I'm invested financially in myself and love my #thebudgetmom .. and spend daily thoughts with my tweaking and budgeting; I need to share that habit onto my healthy journey. So, in March.. I have a healthy me Chalenge - no eating after 7pm! Intermittent fasting. I drink a cup of coffee with sugar free creamer first thing in the morning (I'm up usually at 5am to feed Grace), and then my breakfast comes at 8:30-9:00 ish.. I then eat lunch (usually leftovers) at Noon, followed by a healthy afternoon snack and then dinner is between 5-5:30 (#mealplan). So, two days in.. and I'm feeling good.. not sure what's going to happen on the weekend after 7pm.. I'm going to give myself GRACE perhaps one day a week, whether it be Friday night or Saturday.. but then my goal is every day to NOT eat after 7pm! And of course during the hours (10) that I'm eating to choose healthier.. let's see what happens after week 1, week 2.. and then at the end of March.
I got this!