I have been working on a "Pantry" List this weekend and created a spreadsheet in excel to keep my pantry/freezer updated. I love grocery shopping, as you can see my ALDI Haul's on my youtube channel, but I think sometimes it's out of 'habit' that we go grocery shopping. I do meal plan and create ideas for a week of meals, lunches/breakfasts/dinners..but Saturday morning comes around and our first stop is ALDI's.. well not in February! We will need the usual staples and I will still put aside my weekly budgeted $60.00 for groceries but we will eat from our freezer/pantry. That's our challenge. (Gary will need his half & half, so a store visit will be necessary; as as I put this together I noticed we don't have many cans diced tomatoes, tomatoe sauce and tuna on hand..so I'll start to stockpile that instead of buying more 'meals' when we don't need to).
This spreadsheet is what I have put together.. and I will print it out, attach to a clipboard and put it in my pantry closet - updating when necessary. I still have a freezer that I have to write what's in there.
We have alot of stuff. and why spend the money to buy more when we need to really eat what we have & try not to be wasteful.
That's one of my goals for February.. Eat from freezer & Pantry! :)
Thanks for being here! #eatfromfreezerpantry