I posted on facebook the other day that I conquered a fear of 'getting on an airplane'.. let me be honest - I'm not scared of flying..it's not being up among blanket of white, snowy clouds that scare me.. it's fitting in a airplane seat with the seat belt on. Yup, I get extremely anxious months before I even think I want to go on a trip with the anxiety wondering "is the seat belt going to fit?" Now, I have lost 57 lbs in the last 7 months, I went from a # 293 to 237. Why am I still so anxied about it?
Well.. that Seat belt got the better of me for 3 months, when we first booked our trip in October.. let me say that it won't stand the time! I sat in that seat on the way down, I buckled up & it fit! On the way back, my bestie and I didn't sit together.. and I was already feeling more anxious than ever..but you know what I'm 50! I can do it, I can sit by myself!! After a few back and forth's with my chair mates on who was sitting where, I sat, buckled up and had some slack.. it sounds stupid I know..but unless you feel this same anxiety you don't know how it feels. What i learned from it is.. I will probably always be anxious about it, because honestly I don't travel that much and who knows when I'll go again..but if it's not the seatbelt anxiety it'll be something else..