Check on us, please. Text. Call. Send a note. Say an extra prayer for us. We are okay, but we are dealing with our own 'stuff' as long as most of us have to entertain our child or children, and they really don't understand what's going on in their world right now. It's not the kind of entertaining that YOU do..
"go play in the yard and run outside for a little bit" - we HAVE to be outside with them, for Grace it's pushing her on the swing - which she absolutely loves.
"Go pick up your room", for us it's cleaning it up with her.
"Independent play" for us it's always her depending on us to play. Ball - catch. Scooting around the floor, we are down there with her.
It's just different. And if you don't have children with special needs you don't understand it completely. Just check on us.
A dear friend sent me this Sunday afternoon, he also is a parent of a child with special needs.. I saw him on Saturday evening (after a rough day with Grace) & just gave him a hug - no social distancing here - because honestly, HE understands!
I LOVE my HOLLAND - i've said this before.. this is MY LIFE.. and besides having Maxwell with us, I wouldn't want it any other way. But I would like a small break from Grace's belly/pooping issues - to watch her beat herself up, pinches, punches, slaps to her own head.. makes me sad & mad at the same time.. we've been dealing with this for the last 2 years - we have gone to specialists, the only meds she is on is for pooping issues (Yay right?? I mean she has CP and she's only on meds to regulate her poop.. & it works some times but not all the time. It's FRUSTRATING...
Even through all this her teacher & the nurse at her program have been GREAT... talking to her & sending videos. I'm holding it together..but sometimes I just need a break too.
H & I are still working through this pandemic.. it's what we need to do.
Just don't forget about us.. a text to check in sometimes comes at the best point of the day!
And to my friends, Dave & Pam - I'm thinking of you.