I was singing, "still crazy after all these years" in my head..that's why I have this title, because if you know me you know I have to turn every phrase into a song (hey, that's a real talent you know!)
It's 4:00 a.m. on a Monday morning, and this seems more like my "norm" the last month - trust me that's okay, I feel like I only need about 4-5 hours of sleep (it must be the part of getting older) (insert eye roll).
Grace was up, screaming - gas pain! We have a follow up soon with her GI doctor, but I think it's time that we get her a rx so when she is having gas pain, as she can't tell us (but trust me I KNOW when it's gas pain), we can give her something. This belly and whole GI thing is so frustrating!! I can't express how frustrated it's been in the last few months and I feel it has happened alot, almost every weekend. Another song, I am singing lately is, "I want to run away!!" Honestly, I don't..but maybe I do. I'm not exhausted like tired of 4-5 hours of sleep, but mentally exhuasted of this situation. Grace is going to be 13 and we are still dealing with gas, belly issues. :( It's depressing really.
We have a really good tribe of care providers for her, really good! However, we don't have that close aunt to drop her off for a couple of hours, or that grandparent who wouldn't mind staying with her. I do my best to hold her tight, which is something she wants from me..but it's hard to watch her have such bad pain (trust me, I know what it feels like as an adult, never mind a child.)
When she is like this, she's very combative to herself and us.. I think a gas pain rx might just help to be pro-active. Arghhhh!!
Thanks for reading - I'll try & catch up with you and life.. :)
pattie, gary & Grace!