February is the LOVE Month. Some people may go out and shower there loved one with chocolates, flowers and gifts; but it is also Superbowl Sunday (on February 13th), and guess what that may bring.. a disgruntle spouse or partner to their significant other when their team loses... it happens! So, please be aware of those around you and if you're in a situation that YOU need help, please reach out to someone!!
I was not a fan of Valentine's day, honestly I think it's ridiculous that people spend all this money on flowers, special dinners and everything else. I do buy my spouse a little something small, practical and something he may have talked about wanting.. and I do try and do a special dinner for our little family with heart shaped goodies. I make a big deal out of Valentine's Day for Grace. She has been talking about Valentine's Day at School and hitting the "I love you" on her Ipad talker, so I am trying to put a little something together for her on that day.
More important for me in the "love month" is to have more #SelfCare. It is actually one of my goals for 2022. I need to take care of myself, physically and mentally. I am participating in the #Maskelifechallenge in February, which is writing and participating in something related to self-care on a daily basis. I have been wanting to get back to reading, so that's my first start - of course I'm reading The Budget Mom, Kumiko Love's new book, "My Money, My Way" (you can get it on Amazon), every night for at least 10 minutes. Self-care is so important, because as women and Mom's we tend to take care of everyone else, saving ourselves for last.. and we are equally important to the people we are taking care of.
If you don't do anything for Valentine's Day.. do SOMETHING for YOU! do something for your elderly neighbor, your postman (my new job has me walking across the street to visit Alan the postman at the Post Office; we were talking yesterday about Valentine's Day and there's an elderly woman in Wareham that PAINTS these beautiful boxes to send to her grandkids.. hand paints.. they were beautiful!!) .. Anyway, he said I would love something like that, noone gets me anything.. Don't worry, Alan.. I'm going to surprise you friday with some special treats!
Self-care for me is certainly taking care of myself.. but also taking care of others!
Happy Love Month.. take care of yourself & others,