The end of March. I want to keep a blog as I stated last month on Grace's happenings, so we can look back at it in years to come (remember when I did the 'baby blueberries' posts when the twins were born? (I sometimes go back to read all that..but it stirs up some major PTSD for me, so I don't! But someday, I may! If I remember correctly, you can google "baby blueberries" and it should come up...if you want to read about Grace's birth!
Anyway.. our baby blueberry is growing up for sure! March was a great month for her.. she is walking with one hand like a champ. She is so close to walking on her own. As a matter of fact, when positioning her between two people and then letting go, she will walk by herself for about 8-10+ steps. It's that confidence thing that stops her (imagine your own child at 2 or so, when they got nervous that they were standing on their own & just dropped down?), well that's Grace.. she has actually stood up by herself & then gets instantly nervous when she realizes she's not holding on or noone is holding her. So, it really is just a matter of time!
Grace also got to ride her tricycle this month. And she did awesome.. a quick little push and she was off and pedaling herself. School tells me they have one there as well and she was able to use it. That will only continue to build her strength.. good things are coming for sure!
On the subject of her belly issues.. ahhh! Well like the rest of the manufacturing world, her mini mic-key buttons are on back order & she has a regular mic-key button in .. it's just so bulky! I hate it.. but we need to get a back up..because honestly you never know; and unfortunately it's just something we worry about..if Grace's button comes out's a very quick run to the nearest emergency room! (worry, worry, worry that's all we do; like most parents but it's a different kind of worry.
We were looking forward to a GI appointment in March and it got rescheduled to early April.. (this week to be exact); but I'm not convinced they will give us any answers because they never do. She had a good month, belly wise ..but alot of extra BM (bowel movements); almost too many.. I don't know friends.. it's very frustrating!!
All in all it was a nice month. She is deifnitely getting older, maturer and cuter! As much as I love her being a baby.. she is NOT! She is a big girl!! :)
Onward to April..❤
Thanks for reading!